Do you offer consultations before scheduling?

Yes, all prospective clients are offered a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your reasons for seeking therapy and discussing whether I might be the right fit in working with you. Every therapist has a unique style and method in supporting your therapy goals.

What are your session fees?

We offer individual, family and couples therapy for in person and virtual sessions. The rates for all therapeutic services can be found here . If you have any specific questions about our fees please contact us directly.

Do you offer any sliding scale prices?

Yes, please contact us directly to discuss financial hardship. Sliding scale slots are limited and prioritized to those in need.

Are taxes charged on your therapeutic services?

Yes, psychotherapy services have not yet become HST exempt in Canada. At this time, HST is included in all therapeutic service rates. Receipts specify tax identifications and can be submitted under personal income tax as a health expense.

Will my insurance benefits cover your services?

Our services are covered by most extended health care benefits. Please check your coverage to ensure services provided by a "Registered Psychotherapist" will qualify under your benefits package. Our services are not covered by OHIP. Please contact your insurance provider for more information about your coverage options.

​Note: If you are an Ontario resident, you can claim the cost of non-reimbursed psychotherapy services as a "medical expense" on your income tax return.

What happens if I cancel my appointment?

We have a policy that requires a minimum of 48-hour’s notice if you need to cancel or re-schedule your appointment. If you cancel or reschedule 24 hours before your scheduled appointment, you will be charged half the session rate. If less than 24-hours notice for an appointment change or cancellation, you will be charged the full rate for your appointment.

I am in crisis what do I do?

If it is an emergency please make sure you reach out or attend your local emergency room. You can also call 911 or contact your local crisis hotline including the Owen Sound Crisis Intervention Team at 877-470-5200. I am not a crisis therapist but help is available.

Do I need a referral for your services?

No referral is needed or required.  We are happy to work collaboratively with other professional supports. Therapy only works when you, the client, takes an active part in the process. That mindset is what determines when the time is right for you to begin the therapeutic process.

Ready To Get Started?

Feel. Connect. Transform. When life get’s hard, you don’t have to navigate on your own. A safe space is ready for you.